Muhammad Al-Fatih

Sultan Mehmed II, Muhammad Al-Fatih

Yesterday I had been finished reading a sirah (history) book that is extraordinary. An amazing story, titled Muhammad Al Fatih, author Felix Siauw. This book tells about the history of the conquest of the city of Constantinople facts by Sultan Mehmed II, who later was given the title Al-Fatih-the Conqueror. Her age was only 21 years old.

This conquest actually foretold by the Prophet. He said:
"The city of Constantinople would fall into the hands of Islam. Leaders who conquer it is the best of leaders and the troops under his command is the best of troops. "[HR Ahmad ibn Hanbal al-Musnad 4/335]

Sultan Mehmed was well educated islamically by the best Turkish ulama. He is an expert on worship, imagine during adolescence he never once left the salah fardhu, salah sunnah rawatib, and salah tahajjud. Subhanallah. I feel so left behind. He was so admired the Messenger of Allah (so do i). He is also very smart in some disciplines, such as literature, geography, astronomy, etc.. He also mastered several languages like Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Greek, Latin, Serbia, Herbew, and French.Wasn't he amazing?

I really envy and admire him. At my age, I was sorely lacking in terms of worship and piety. I also have not done anything useful for others and this dien. I'm also not as good as Sultan Mehmed who was master of many disciplines. We are like the earth and the moon.

My sister and I are now being inspired by the story of Constantinople conquest. We aspire to visit Istanbul, Turkey (Constantinople) later. Of course after our primary goal is reached, it is visiting Mekkah (hajj) and Medina. May god grant our wishes. Oh and, we even fought to get our son later called by the name of Muhammad Al-Fatih. Let us see who birth a son first then, hehe.

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